Happy New Year!

Sophia's neck of the woods (pun intended), this is where you should head for any meet-and-greet you'd like to partake in, as well for any discussion that isn't related to role-playing. Have fun, go crazy - but keep your nose clean.
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Happy New Year!

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

A happy new year to you, Ten. Thanks a million for sticking around. You make my twelve months of occasionally nonsensical cerebral percolations worthwhile, and I hope I've been entertaining one or two times down the line. I'm no George R. Martin, but putting our menagerie through the wringer is way more fun than a lot of potential alternatives we could both try. Not sure the "Streets of Hope Book Club" has the same ring to it, for instance...

Lots of love, Ten!
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Re: Happy New Year!

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Happy New Year to you, too, Leam! It's always a fun time rping with you, and I look forward to your posts! They can keep me on the edge of my seat and are a good part of my day!
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